The Ethiopian church has a strong spiritual vs. secular divide. Christian business people feel they do a “Lesser Spiritual work” than full-time ministers and are disconnected from the church’s mission and ministry.
Ethiopia also has one of the world’s fastest growing economies for the last decade. The nation gets richer but Biblical teaching is not present on how to manage this newfound wealth.
The graduating Youth in Ethiopia are facing high unemployment rates. As they enter the marketplace, the flow of temptation into the environment of corruption is difficult to resist if starting a new business or professional position.
Overall, there is little support, resources, or available education for Ethiopian professionals who are trying to give God “glory” (kibir) or make a Kingdom impact through business, whether a farmer, a policeman or a hotel franchise owner.
KIBIR Consultants desires to see restoration of the Ethiopian marketplace. As of 2017 Transparency International has Ethiopia’s Corruption Perceptions Index rank at 107 out of 180 countries. We want to set the standard of what Biblically-based business looks like in the Ethiopia, influencing the entire nation to move it’s perceived corruption level into the top 10 least-corrupt markets in the world by 2038.